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How we Came About

Our purpose

Our purpose is to educate you about breast implant illness, whilst empowering you to take control of your health, body, and mind so that you can get your life back.

Do you suffer in silence? Do you feel as though people think you are crazy when you tell them about all the different symptoms you suffer from? Does it feel as though the symptoms slowly crept in over time in such a way that you just thought it was because you were getting older? Know that you are not alone!

The more you educate yourself about this illness, the more you will feel empowered to create awareness for other women that are also suffering. The more that we work together and collaborate, the better chance we will have at reaching women and motivating them to feel inspired to make life changes. Let’s inspire one another to create awareness, be the change, and to speak from the heart about a topic that is not quite believed in most of the medical world so that our voices are finally heard!